The Perfect Pool Sandals for $39.99!

I made my first Jack Rogers shoe purchase earlier this year and oh my lordy, I’m hooked. I don’t know what took me so long to try out this shoe brand. I’ve been admiring the preppy circle shoes on other… Continue Reading

What I Wore Wednesday + Vacation Recap

Hola!! If you missed my last couple posts, then you probably don’t know I’m back in the Southwest after returning from a vacation of a lifetime. My sister-in-law (hi, Laura!!) lives in Australia and we finally made the trip to… Continue Reading

ADORABLE Dresses for Cheap

I’ve written a few posts before about my love of Groopdealz (or Eleventh Avenue, which I think was the company’s attempt at rebranding). I actually have to avoid looking at their email promotions because some of their stuff is so… Continue Reading

What I Wore Wednesday

Hey everyone! I had so much fun last week linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday that I decided to do it again. This is your opportunity to get a sneak peak into my life and… Continue Reading

Huge Kate Spade Sale on

I was surprised to see hosting a special 3 day Kate Spade New York sale. It says it is powered by HauteLook, so maybe they are trying something new out to see how if it is worth repeating. I… Continue Reading

Awesome Sales on Athletic Shoes!

Whatever you may call them – sneakers, tennis shoes, workout shoes, running shoes, etc., there are some really good deals going on right now on athletic shoes. Since I workout outside most of the year, mine get beat up and… Continue Reading

My Review on Fabletics

I think we’ve all seen the Fabletics advertisements plastering the internet featuring Kate Hudson’s rock-hard abs (which isn’t fair since she has several kids). I’ve been tempted to try out the company for a while, especially since they claim to… Continue Reading