What I Wore Wednesday

Pom Pom Beach Bag

It has been way too long since I’ve done a What I Wore Wednesday blog post, recapping a few of my recent looks. If you follow me on Instagram (if you don’t, you should), you may have already seen a… Continue Reading

Vacation Recap: Part 1 (Tenerife, Spain)

I’ve now been back in the US for a week and think I can finally say I’ve recovered from jet lag. Well, I suppose I should say my kids have recovered, meaning they are now allowing me to sleep until… Continue Reading

Spring Break Essentials

I can’t believe spring break is just around the corner. Where did January and February go? I used to think spring break was just for crazy college kids. I clearly am many years beyond college, but I now understand why… Continue Reading

The Perfect Pool Sandals for $39.99!

I made my first Jack Rogers shoe purchase earlier this year and oh my lordy, I’m hooked. I don’t know what took me so long to try out this shoe brand. I’ve been admiring the preppy circle shoes on other… Continue Reading

What I Wore Wednesday + An Instagram Giveaway

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Today I’m joining The Pleated Poppy’s link-up for What I Wore Wednesday. Before I get started, have you been following me on Instagram (@thesensibleshopaholic)? I’ve been upping my Instagram game and started posting outfit pics on a more regular basis.… Continue Reading