My Favorite Outlet Stores

I love a good outlet shopping spree. I feel like a trip to the outlets is totally different than a trip to the mall. The drive is farther, return policies are less friendly, and you never quite know what you… Continue Reading

National Handbag Day

I’m guessing everyone will be having cake for dessert this evening because it is National Handbag Day! I have no idea who comes up with these ridiculous “holidays”, but given my love of handbags, I thought it was only appropriate… Continue Reading

What I Wore Wednesday

Hey everyone! I had so much fun last week linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday that I decided to do it again. This is your opportunity to get a sneak peak into my life and… Continue Reading

What I Wore Wednesday + An Instagram Giveaway

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Today I’m joining The Pleated Poppy’s link-up for What I Wore Wednesday. Before I get started, have you been following me on Instagram (@thesensibleshopaholic)? I’ve been upping my Instagram game and started posting outfit pics on a more regular basis.… Continue Reading