West Elm Home Sale

We are at that point in the year where the stores are clearing out the winter stuff to make room for spring stuff. That means pretty much every store out there has sales going on right now. I know, shouldn’t this be the best time of year for a sale shopper like me to really find some deals?!?!

The problem is everything is super picked over from the holidays. It’s only a good sale if it is something you actually like and get excited about. Not worth spending money for a weird shirt that would never fit right, even if you lost a few lbs in the next few weeks due to those new year’s resolutions.

Since I’ve come up empty-handed during my sales searches over the past few days, I’ve shifted my focus. Home stuff. I love home stuff. I used to think I wanted to be an interior designer. Or maybe a home stager because that way I wouldn’t have to take into account people’s “specific” (read: odd) style. But then when I got pregnant with my first baby, I quickly realized I’ll never own nice home stuff for at least another 18 years. Any parents out there know what I’m talking about?

The best I can do at this point is replace my home decor periodically with stuff that is stylish, yet inexpensive. You know, since there is a very good chance food will get spilled on it, or it will get broken with my two crazy toddlers running around. I was happy to see a West Elm clearance sale pop up today since I have a few items that desperately need to be replaced. My rug has random blue stains on it and I’m more than embarrassed by the spots on my ottoman. My home style tends to gravitate toward neutrals. I love color on my clothes, but I’m all about greys and beiges at home. Here are a few cute things I found on sale:


Pillow covers are one of the easiest ways to quickly change the look or colors in a room. Given my love of neutrals, I’m totally loving these textured grey and ivory knit pillow covers. The grey is on sale for $29.99 and the ivory is $24.99. I’m thinking ivory is an awful choice with kids, but it doesn’t mean a mom can’t dream.


I haven’t pulled the trigger yet, but I really want to order this striped wool rug. It comes in a bunch of sizes, but the 5×8 size is only $199, which isn’t bad at all for a rug. Have you ever stopped to look at one of those rug stores? I have and was amazed how crazy expensive rugs can be. I think I’m going to stick with replacing my cheap rugs every couple years, at least until my kids learn how to actually put food in their mouths instead of on the ground.


I’m in love with all the gold accents we are seeing in stores right now. For the longest time, silver was pretty much the only option, and I’m happy to see gold making a come-back. I also think mixing in some gold is a great look. No need to completely trash all the silver we all have scattered around our homes. These gold accent vases range from $19.99 – $24.99.


How pretty is the rich color of this leather covered mirror? Even on sale, it still isn’t cheap at $299, but better than paying the $499 full-price sticker. Now if they could guarantee it is a “skinny mirror”, I might consider it.


My husband gives me a hard time because I absolutely love baskets. Let’s just say the Container Store is pretty much my Disneyland. I’m all about anything I can use to organize the mess of toys that has taken over my house. How cute are these neutral printed baskets? Perfect for storing various cars, blocks and princess castles.

Anyone else looking to swap out some of your home decor? Any good sales going on that I might have missed?


One Comment

  1. Indoor/outdoor rugs. Some are very nice looking and they are all super easy to clean! I take them outside and clean with laundry detergent & the hose! Totally kid (spill) friendly & no professional rug cleaning needed. 🙂

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