NYFW – Day 3 Recap

This dress would look amazing on every body type

Here is my third and final recap from New York Fashion Week 2018. Day 3 was actually my favorite day in the city and it was filled with shows, parties, photo shoots and friends. Click here to read all about Day 1 and here about Day 2.

Note: This post contains affiliate links

These stripes are adorable for fall

Outfit details: striped midi dress (similar), leather jacket, black mules, earrings

Such a cute dress

One of the biggest things that surprised me about NYFW was the lack of morning events. The earliest show invite I ever received was noon. I know New York tends to start the day later than the west coast, but the mom in me was ready to go by 9 am. Instead, a few other bloggers and I spent Saturday morning taking pictures. I mean, that’s what bloggers do, right? I basically photographed all the outfits that I packed, but never had the perfect opportunity to wear over the course of the weekend. At least it gave me plenty of Instagram content for a few weeks!

What fun earrings

These fall stripes are so fun

Gotta love NY pizza

Following the photo shoot, I grabbed a quick slice of New York pizza from a little dive on the corner near my hotel. Those little places are cheap and tend to be the best in my humble pizza eating opinion. You guys said you wanted to know where I ate. Well, this shot actually happened.

The back is so pretty

Love the lace and pleats

Outfit details: Lace pleated dress, booties, purse

Read all about my experience at fashion week

I received several invites to different shows on Saturday, but I chose to attend the shows being held at Pier 59 because they were all in one location. I had spent enough of my time in an Uber over the weekend! Also, I was lucky enough to bring a plus 1 to my Saturday shows. One of my besties is a teacher in Brooklyn and joined me for the festivities in the afternoon. While I had been having a ball with all my blogger friends, it felt SO GOOD to see a comfortable, familiar face. The best part is we walked into the Oxford Fashion Studio show at 2pm and were given front row seats. We were in heaven!

Part of the reason I loved the Saturday shows so much is because they all featured a bunch of different designers. Other shows which only had one or two designers usually lasted no more than 10 minutes, which is so short for all the hoopla. We watched designs from Caroline Perino, Caroline Smouse, Atalanka, C’est D, Viktoria Tisza and Raw War come down the runway. Some were stunning and things I’d wear in real life. Others were more like walking art in my opinion, but still so fun to see in person.

Following the first show, we walked over to stage A for the second show. Funny story about our second show, which was the Global Fashion Collective. I was originally assigned a seat in the 4th row (back of the house). Well, most of the shows usually have people that don’t show up so right before the show starts, you are welcome to move forward and take a better seat. My friend Megan and I chose to sit in row 2, right behind none other than Miss J. Alexander (tell me I’m not the only one who used to watch Top Model)! We stopped and talked to him after the show and he was SO nice. He even admitted he critiques every single model who walks down the runway. No surprise there!

Seeing celebrities at fashion week

This show featured designs from Profanity by Lillz Killz, Not Dead Yet, Kim Tiziana Rottmuller and Nozomi Kuwahara. A lot of the designs were a little outside the box, but it was absolutely fascinating watching the designs come down the runway. The music, lights and crowd reactions makes it such a fun atmosphere.

After the second show, we headed right back over to Stage B just in time for the third show to begin. This was another Oxford Fashion Studio show and featured designs from Lesunja, Daykela, Charly Nzogang, Meticulously Eccentric, DM Jewelry Designs, and Megan Cannings. Since we were coming from the other show and one of the last people in the room, we ended up standing in the back for this show. It was absolutely packed so I was happy we were able to get in the door! I didn’t get the world’s greatest pictures from this runway show since most featured the backs of people’s heads, but I loved a lot of the designs.

This dress would look amazing on every body type

This pleated dress is stunning

The back of this dress is stunning

Following all the shows, there was a rooftop reception with complimentary champagne and wine. I was able to catch up with my friend and cheers to a day of fashion fun before heading back to my hotel to change. After all, Saturday was the night of the big RewardStyle party!

Need this outfit

Love the buttons down the front

Outfit details: red dress, leather jacket, heels, bag, sunglasses

I was ecstatic I was invited to both the RewardStyle rooftop party on Friday, as well as the big event on Saturday night. RewardStyle is the company that runs Liketoknow.it, which is how most of you likely shop my Instagram posts. Bloggers receive a small commission for items purchased using our links on Liketoknow.it. Therefore, RewardStyle only invites a handful of bloggers to attend events like these based on sales. It has been a major goal of mine to attend the NYFW RewardStyle events, as well as the conference (one day I’ll get there).

How cute would this red dress be for the holidays?

While I was honored to be invited, I’ll admit, I was intimidated to attend. None of the other bloggers I was traveling with were invited, but I decided I was going anyways. I wasn’t going to let nerves hold me back from celebrating my accomplishments. I ended up meeting up with another sweet blogger I met at the Friday event to Uber over to the party with. Thankfully, there were actually a lot of familiar faces once I got inside the doors. Some I’ve met before at local Phoenix events, some I’ve virtually met on Instagram, and others were friends of other blogger friends.

So much fun at the RewardStyle party

For the most part, the other bloggers were all really, really nice. There were a few people that seemed like they were too cool for school or were more interested in stalking other mega bloggers than making friends. Whatever, those aren’t the people I’m interested in getting to know anyways. I’ll be the first to admit, the blogging world is a little cut throat and competitive.

RewardStyle does know how to throw one heck of a party. They had the cutest photo ops set-up outside the event, but the rain put a damper on our photo session. However, they still had a booth set-up inside where you could make your own music video. I did it, but the result is not something that ever needs to be shared with the world. I think the photo below sums it up accurately. Haha.

Being a Liketoknow.it blogger

Following the RewardStyle party, I ended up joining a big group of about 20 bloggers for super late dinner at a local Italian restaurant. I forget the name of the place, but I don’t recommend it because the owner was pretty rude when it came time to pay. They only accepted American Express, which most of us didn’t have in our wallet. Thankfully, I don’t write a food blog, so I’ll leave it at that. However, dinner was probably my favorite part of the night because I was able to sit down and chat with new friends that understand this crazy blogger world. I took and Uber home and crashed for the night.

Overall, NYFW was an experience I’ll never forget. I met so many of my favorite bloggers in real life and had an absolute ball. There are definitely things I’ll do differently next time (plan more brand meetings, avoid a hotel in Times Square, etc…), but it was an absolute dream come true. I love the fashion and the excitement of the city. It is just like what you see on TV.

This red midi dress is adorable

I honestly want to thank each and every one of you for reading my little piece of the internet. It is because of you that this dream became a reality and I’m able to share it with you.

OK what did I miss? Who has questions? Let me know in the comments below!!!

Such a chic outfit
