There is Still Plenty of Time to Dominate 2018

I love this yellow dress

Can you believe 2018 is half way over? I know I say this constantly, but this year is flying by. Before we know it, we will be talking about Christmas gifts and winter coats. Especially since I spent the last week on the beach relaxing in the sunshine, I’ve had a little time to reflect on the year. And here’s what I came up with. There’s still plenty of time to dominate 2018.

Note: This post contains affiliate links

I love the color of this maxi dress

Outfit details: Yellow maxi dress, gold sandals, yellow hoop earrings

Before I get started, I want to let you guys know I’m writing this post in partnership with Evereve. I’ve worked with Evereve many times before in the past and couldn’t have a better partner for this particular post. Evereve is always looking for ways to support moms and not just with their fashion choices. The brand encourages women to focus on themselves and try new things. Chase our goals and live our best life. When we do that, others are inspired as well. When it comes down to it, that’s just what I’m trying to do in my role as a blogger.

How cute is this distressed pink tee?

Outfit details: pink destructed tee, distressed denim skirt (non-distressed version here), cream clutch, gold sandals, blue earrings

I mentioned this on Instagram last week, but I’m a big believer that huge things happen in times of change. I’ve never been one to shy away from change. In fact, I tend to get bored doing the same thing for extended periods of time. That’s probably why my husband and I are always going on some crazy adventure or taking on more in a week than many people do in a year. You can call us a lot of things and ambitious is definitely one of them.

This casual olive green dress is so comfortable

Outfit details: Olive green dress, cream clutch, gold sandals

When I started the year, I had absolutely no idea where 2018 would take me. We didn’t have a single trip booked or concrete plan in place. While we were house hunting, we didn’t know if we would end up building, remodeling or moving at all. I set some personal and professional goals, but they mainly were to grow my business and remain present with my kids. In a mere 6 months, quite a bit has changed.

This jean skirt is the perfect mom length

I’ve definitely had some highs (like being invited to go to Mexico on an all expense paid trip) and lows (our brutal move). I’ve enjoyed many amazing days with my kiddos and other days where I feel bad for letting them watch too much TV. Yes we moved, I still have no clue when our remodel will be finished and it feels like ages since I’ve been settled at home.

I need this casual dress

However, I can tell you a few things. This phase of life is just flat out busy. There is never a good time to start a new career, take on a new hobby or make a lifestyle change. Whatever your goals may be, there is still plenty of time to chase your goals this year. Why wait for 2019 when you can start now! At least for me personally, I don’t see my life slowing down with little kids.

This maxi dress is so comfortable

My dad has always talked about the importance of setting goals. He continually stressed writing them down and revisiting them from time to time. Having them in writing (I write mine down in the Notes app on my phone) helps hold us more accountable and leads to a higher success rate. I was looking at mine this week and to be honest, a few of my goals have changed since the beginning of the year. And that’s totally fine! I set a few of my goals based on what I thought a fashion blogger should achieve. As I’ve made it half way through the year, I realized a few of those goals just aren’t important to me. I’m not dropping them off the list completely, but moving them over to a “long term goal” bucket instead.

I love this casual outfit

Goal setting is a funny thing because it is 100% personal. We are all different and we shouldn’t let others prevent us from dreaming and achieving. Now is definitely a good time to revisit those goals, but know we all still have 6 months to make 2018 awesome.

This floral maxi dress is beautiful

How are you doing so far on your 2018 goals? Where do you want to be in 2019? And don’t forget to shop all these cute outfits and more at or in-store (find your closest location here).

       Such a cute denim skirt  This olive green dress is so cute
