My New Favorite T-Shirt for $4.97


I know it sounds silly, but it is really hard to find the perfect t-shirt. You know, one that is comfortable, drapes correctly, isn’t clingy, can be dressed up or down, and comes in good colors. I was shocked when I stumbled upon a new favorite at Old Navy last week. Let’s put it this way, I wore it 3x in over a week, washed it and didn’t notice any shrinkage, AND my husband even commented on how much he liked my shirt. I liked it so much that I decided to purchase it in three more colors today, fully knowing there is a chance I could get it a tad bit cheaper if I waited. But since it is still under $5 a shirt, I decided to go for it, especially since my size is fully stocked.

I know what you are thinking. Really, Old Navy? I definitely buy things at Old Navy, but they aren’t exactly known for their tip top quality. I can’t guarantee you that this shirt will last you until the next time we have a leap year, but for the price you can beat the heck of out it this spring and summer and not feel bad replacing it next year.

I was in Old Navy last week shopping for shorts for my son (feel free to hate me, but it is officially shorts season in AZ). My daughter always grabs onto random clothes on racks and literally grabbed the mint color of this shirt, which was poking out of a clearance rack. I pulled it out of her hand, decided it was cute and purchased it without trying it on. I suppose I should thank Kenzie for spotting a new favorite for me.

The shirt is the slub-knit v-neck cocoon tee, which goes down to $4.97 if you use today’s promo code LEAPYEAR. This is a looser t-shirt style, but it still fits me well up top so it doesn’t look like I’m wearing a shirt that is 3x too big. I will say, if you are really tall, this might not be the right shirt for you. I’m 5’3″ on a good day and it hits me a few inches below my hips. I think it fits perfectly, but I could see it being a little too short for the style on someone taller. It comes in black, white, mint and blue. I promise, you won’t be upset about owning this one for under $5.

Do you have a favorite t-shirt style I should know about?




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