Black Friday Tips {Scottsdale Moms Blog}

SMB Six Tips for Black Friday

I can’t believe Thanksgiving is this Thursday. Where has November gone? I’m so excited to relax and have a day at home with my little family. And I’d be absolutely lying if I didn’t admit how much I love shopping on Black Friday. I mean, a whole day dedicated to sale shopping?? #shopaholicdreamday

I recently joined the crew over at Scottsdale Moms Blog to become a regular contributor. I started reading SMB when I got pregnant with my son it has been on my regular reading list ever since. I’m so excited to join this group of local bloggers and share in the fun.

When I was brainstorming ideas for my first Scottsdale Moms Blog post, which conveniently landed in November, there was one obvious idea that stuck out in my head: Black Friday. Given I have a significant amount of experience shopping on this day, I knew it was the perfect post for me. My mom and I used to go out and shop on Black Friday even before I could drive. I credit her with showing me the sale shopping way…

Head over to Scottsdale Moms Blog today to read my six tips for surviving Black Friday. A few of them talk about Scottsdale malls, but most can be applied wherever you live. You know where I’ll be on Friday morning!
