The holidays are really about the kids. With a 5 and 7 year old, Christmas has really exploded in our house over the last few years. From the moment the first ornament is hung on the tree until the last gift is opened, the excitement from a child is really unbeatable. Based on a few of our family’s tried and true favorites, here is my 2019 kids gift guide.
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Barbie set, Marble run set, Nerf football, Magnetic dart board, Hot Wheels crash track, Bluetooth microphone, Loom bracelet making set, Lincoln logs, Frozen Little People set, Mastermind game, Guinness Book of World Records, Color of Mother Book, Magnatiles, Nintendo Switch, Frozen LEGO set, Crayola Light Board
I can truly say any gift on this list would be a hit, but I can’t recommend the books, magnatiles, LEGOs, and bracelet making kit enough. Those are all gifts that children will use no matter what their age (assuming they aren’t too little and they could be a safety concern) and should keep them occupied for a while. Trust me, those are good ones.
Don’t forget to check out my other holiday gift guides HERE.