This post is sponsored by Opendoor. All opinions are my own.
Happy New Year! I’m going to admit, I’m pretty happy 2018 is behind me. For our family, 2018 was the year of the move and remodel. It wasn’t a bad year, but was definitely stressful and challenging in a lot of ways. I’m so ready to start fresh and make 2019 the best year yet. And New Years means it is time to set some goals. I don’t set resolutions (those are easily broken) and instead, set goals to work toward over the course of the year.

- Be a better friend. 2018 was beyond busy. I can’t even explain how many hours I spent last year driving around town and running errands for our remodel. It prevented me from being the kind of friend I really want to be. I didn’t call my friends in other states as much as I’d like. I skipped dinners and happy hours with my friends. Heck, my own friends celebrated my birthday without me because I was too busy to join them. This year, I want to be more proactive with my relationships and spend more time with the people I love. Each week, I’m going to do something to strengthen one of my friendships. Whether it is a simple phone call, coffee with a friend or dinner with a group, I want to be more involved in 2019.
- Go on more date nights with my husband. Kurt and I survived the remodel, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t put stress on our marriage. I personally believe spending kid-free time with my husband is good for our relationship. I love my kids to pieces, but they do distract us from being able to complete a real conversation and focus on us. This year, I’d love to try and do date night at least once a month.
- Work smarter, not harder. Yes, I’m setting a few professional goals as well, but one of them is to actually work less. Last year I think I stressed too much about getting my Instagram posts up each day and taking photos everywhere I go. This year, I’m going to not stress as much if I don’t post for a day (or three) or if every weekend errand doesn’t involve a photo shoot. I’m going to be more strategic with my partnerships and say no to the ones that don’t work with my schedule.
- Have some free time. Since 2018 was so busy, I feel like I can barely remember having an evening or weekend without plans or commitments. Heck, I’ve pretty much quit watching TV and am embarrassed to admit I haven’t touched a book in over a year. I’m going to do my best to avoid over committing myself and enjoy having time with just my family and friends. In fact, some of my favorite memories are the unplanned ones. I want more of those.
- Enjoy living in my home. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, for the past 6 months, I’ve done nothing but talk about our move, remodel and home projects.Not spending time playing with my kids, swimming, cooking or relaxing. Yes, I occasionally did all those things, but not as much as I would have liked. Now that the unpacking and remodeling is mainly behind us, I want to focus on being present and enjoying being in this place we worked to build for our family.
It’s crazy because last year at this time, moving was on the top of my 2018 goals list. We had been house hunting for an entire year and were ready for the next chapter for our family. Our move and remodel was beyond stressful (I’ll explain all the remodel issues in a future post one we finalize the problems with our contractor), but I’m relieved to finally be home.
If moving is one of your 2019 goals, consider checking out Opendoor to make the sale of your house as easy as possible. No listings, showings, double mortgage, or months of uncertainty required. Moving is stressful enough so why not make the process as easy as possible. We were lucky to sell our house directly to a neighbor, but I know other friends who have raved about Opendoor. All you have to do to request an offer is visit the website, enter your address and answer a few simple questions about your home, and Opendoor will send you an offer within 48 hours. If you choose to accept the offer, you’ll complete an in-home assessment, choose your closing date and move on.
Opendoor then relists the the homes, making them available to potential buyers. Every for-sale Opendoor home can be toured without an appointment from 6am – 9pm daily. Use the Opendoor app as your key to enter the property and go on a self-guided tour. I swear, this company is changing the way we buy and sell houses. They’ve been here in Phoenix for years, and now operate in almost 20 metro areas nationwide, click here to see if Opendoor operates in your area.
What do your goals look like for 2019? Is moving one of the items on your list?